Now I notice that the "recent readers" is most popular gadget as I thought, I have written a banner type recent reader gadget when published, but I don't want to confuse the users, so I didn't publish it.
The URL (URI) of this gadget is "", it is horizontal spread, so you can use the foot of your website or blog, there is a demonstration in my web, you can check in "BlogLook", or "bloG gOOd reaD", it look like as below illustrated.

At this time, I want to call for "Help" or "Cooperation", Is there anyone want to write such these gadgets for Open Social or Friend Connect, please contact with me, in fact, I am not a good programmer, My specialist is something other in Algorithm or other, I will very thank if you can join this project, you can use gtalk in sidebar, or give me a note.
I am long for your volunteer.
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