This is a system make plurk searchable / googleable.
It is well known that plurk is not friendly or feasible to search engine, but most of times we need to search the discussion in our own plurks, so I decide to make this site to make plurk search easier.
There are 2 most important features in this system:
1. Make username to separate domain name.
2. Create index to make read / search fast.
I made a demo using my plurk to demonstrate. At first, this is created by user request, you can edit your profile to make link "" like mine, you can see my profile to figure out, and wait for one day, you can see your PUG make your plurk searchable.
After that, you can using "site:(username)" in query string to search everything you want.
Is there any comment, please reply this following plurk.
Yours MyMiniCity Stop Rotate Per/Hour
Because the more cities monitored, the system got more loading, and there are other services in this machine, so I have to stop the hourly statics.
But the daily update service is remain normal, I make apologize for this inconvient. Is there any suggestion or comment, please write response freely.
But the daily update service is remain normal, I make apologize for this inconvient. Is there any suggestion or comment, please write response freely.
Community Gadget (New Friend Connect Custom Gadget)

I always say that the most powerful thing of "Google Friend Connect" is which the website can identify who you are easily and make interactive. So if the gadget can not be identify each one or build community, I think this is what a waste.
From the post of my Chinese blog, I said that I will write a gadget that can help "building a community", including these features:
1. It can tell who is the most continuous days logining into this blog/website.
2. It can tell who is the user login into this blog/website in special numbers.
3. User can know the status of today, yesterday and history which he visit.
4. A directory or ladder which using friend connect.
Now, the gadget is allmost done, the source is: gadget has two parts, one is for every reader logining into this community, another part is for owner/administrator. The reader part can see what he visit about this community or all communities. The administrator part can show which users have most visits and most loyalty (continuous logining in).
The main function is working normal now, but the directory/ladder page is still under construction, but you can take a look in
Any way, you can join this friend connect to see how it work, and there is an illustration in right upper article, or you can add this gadget in your blog/website and have fun.
Plurk2 Greasemonkey Script
If you use Firefox and Greasemonkey, this is a easy way to use Plurk2.
Before this script, you must open-up a page or copy paste link to plurk2 input area, but after this script, you can see the "Plurk2" link in your plurk, that you can get plug-in source code on the fly.
I wrote this script just referring the script called "PlurkMarkThis", thanks Chris Prakoso for his script.
The script is in "", I hope this will be a helpful script in using plurk2.
I think this is an easy script, hope there is no bug in it, but if any, please feel fleely to make comment or plurk via plurk2.
Before this script, you must open-up a page or copy paste link to plurk2 input area, but after this script, you can see the "Plurk2" link in your plurk, that you can get plug-in source code on the fly.
I wrote this script just referring the script called "PlurkMarkThis", thanks Chris Prakoso for his script.
The script is in "", I hope this will be a helpful script in using plurk2.
I think this is an easy script, hope there is no bug in it, but if any, please feel fleely to make comment or plurk via plurk2.
Wordpress Plug-in for Plurk2
This wordpress plug-in is not created by "official group" (If this is exist), It was created by Johnson Wang, his blog is "隨裕而安", he wrote this plug-in for himself.
You can take a look of his blog and introducing article in "Plurk2 Plugin for Wordpress (Plurk Plug)". This is a great job for all wordpress users.
As description for basic information:
There is fully Illustration in his blog, so thank for Johnson Wang and his great work.
You can take a look of his blog and introducing article in "Plurk2 Plugin for Wordpress (Plurk Plug)". This is a great job for all wordpress users.
As description for basic information:
Name: Plurk2 Plugin for Wordpress
Version: 0.1 (2009/02/20)
Compatible: Wordpress 2.7.1 or higher
There is fully Illustration in his blog, so thank for Johnson Wang and his great work.
Plurk 2 ( Established
At first, Plurk Plug is a sub-project of, but it change to an independent project now, that is "Plurk2/"..
2 days ago, there is only one style to plug into your blog, now it has 3 style now, one is "Clean Style", another is fancy "Hana Style" (Design by Hana), and the 3rd one is AJAX called "PH2 Style".
As last article mention that this system is made for extension your blog, especial for integrated responses, but some users in Taiwan make this plug-in as main article, even using many thread combined into one article.
And a blog using this system to discussion and brain storming, I am amazing that the "tool" maybe made by designer for some way to use, but the users are not limited by origin design.
I am pity that most of the usage are in Chinese, and the Javascipt can not be interpret.
Anyway, last article was illustrated first "clean style", so these are another two styles:
Hana Style:
PH2 Style:
2 days ago, there is only one style to plug into your blog, now it has 3 style now, one is "Clean Style", another is fancy "Hana Style" (Design by Hana), and the 3rd one is AJAX called "PH2 Style".
As last article mention that this system is made for extension your blog, especial for integrated responses, but some users in Taiwan make this plug-in as main article, even using many thread combined into one article.
And a blog using this system to discussion and brain storming, I am amazing that the "tool" maybe made by designer for some way to use, but the users are not limited by origin design.
I am pity that most of the usage are in Chinese, and the Javascipt can not be interpret.
Anyway, last article was illustrated first "clean style", so these are another two styles:
Hana Style:
PH2 Style:
Plug Plurk to Your Blog
I wrote a article in my Chinese blog, and the discussion in original blogspot system is little, but the responses in Plurk are richer. So I decide to write a "Adaptor" to plug the responses into my blog.
It is called "Plurk 2" meaning "Plug your Plurk into your Blog", now the URL is
(Now change to
It is easy to use, following illustrated:
1. Write a plurk in plurk.

2. go to your plurk page and get URL.

3. go to to entry the URL. (now Change to

4. You will get Javascript code

5. Insert this code into your code in HTML mode

Sorry, I make screen snap shot in Chinese user interface, but I think it will be ok.
Ok, you can see the actual practice as following, and please follow in English~~
------- Following is From Plurk -------
It is called "Plurk 2" meaning "Plug your Plurk into your Blog", now the URL is
(Now change to
It is easy to use, following illustrated:
1. Write a plurk in plurk.

2. go to your plurk page and get URL.

3. go to to entry the URL. (now Change to

4. You will get Javascript code

5. Insert this code into your code in HTML mode

Sorry, I make screen snap shot in Chinese user interface, but I think it will be ok.
Ok, you can see the actual practice as following, and please follow in English~~
------- Following is From Plurk -------
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