
Yours MyMiniCity -- Introduction

I think there are many articles talking about MyMiniCity, even there is a forum in http://createmycity.xooit.com/, and there is a FAQ.

"Yours MyMiniCity" is a system assist you to play myminicity, especially in progress history, and provide the widget you can put in your Blog, but most important of all, there is a check list to make sure you can click all the cities of your friends.

1. MyList -- You can make your own list to know the city status of your friends..

2. Detail of your city -- you can check recently status and long-term history of your city, and provide you detail to make your city grow.. Like Below:

BlogLook XML RSS RankingNow: 7Today: 8Yesterday: 9
ItemsThis HourLast HourTodayYesterdayTotal
Unemployment Now0117 (6201)
Transport Now100551 (6635)
Criminality Now0116 (6200)
Pollution Now0N/A

3. Google Tool Bar Gadget -- You don't need to go to this site to check your status by using google toolbar plug-in.

4. Status and History Widget -- You can put the widget in your blog, to keep track of your blog, Like Below:

5. Click Remind Widget -- You can put the widget in your blog to remind you and recommend your friends to click the city listed. Like Below:

6. Automatic Anchor -- Providing the static link to make every click available, the click will automatic make decision which construction your city need.
Like http://mmc.urs.tw/c/genehong

I am not the one to write good introduction and how-to, so make your try and have fun.