I always say that the most powerful thing of "Google Friend Connect" is which the website can identify who you are easily and make interactive. So if the gadget can not be identify each one or build community, I think this is what a waste.
From the post of my Chinese blog, I said that I will write a gadget that can help "building a community", including these features:
1. It can tell who is the most continuous days logining into this blog/website.
2. It can tell who is the user login into this blog/website in special numbers.
3. User can know the status of today, yesterday and history which he visit.
4. A directory or ladder which using friend connect.
Now, the gadget is allmost done, the source is:
http://login.tw/gfc/myprofile.xmlThe gadget has two parts, one is for every reader logining into this community, another part is for owner/administrator. The reader part can see what he visit about this community or all communities. The administrator part can show which users have most visits and most loyalty (continuous logining in).
The main function is working normal now, but the directory/ladder page is still under construction, but you can take a look in http://login.tw/ladder.php
Any way, you can join this friend connect to see how it work, and there is an illustration in right upper article, or you can add this gadget in your blog/website and have fun.