We know since three years ago, Google stop giving website referral information cause of "privacy issue", there will be lost lots of information while we trying to know about users. But we still having few information about keyword in referral cause there are not all "(Not Provided)".
But is this true while we trying to figure out the all truth even we have only few evidence to know about all the facts?
In last articles, we know there are strongly relation with landings distribution and keywords distribution to SEO effort, if we want to earn more about traffic, we must know about what users read.
So, we can only read few data to figure out all the facts, but there is a very big question: Is there any bias in all data from "provided data"? This is a very good question, but I will post my experimental and tools next time to solved this problem (How will tools tell us after "not provided" age).
We know since Oct, 2011, "Not provided" become most visits keyword, and how many percentage so far and evolution? And another question is: How many keywords we lost in this situation? We must setup these dimension to watch the status:
1. Organic Search Visits
2. Search Percentage
3. Distinct Keywords Count
4. Distinct Landing Count
5. Keyword vs Landing Ratio
6. "Not Provided" visits
7. "Not Provided" Percentage
This is hard to see all the trends and relation, cause each website has its growth curve, but we just show the numbers today, I will draw a graph to show the evolution next time.
There are four kind of charts show lots of differences:
We can see the percentage of "not provided" varies from 40% to 80%, and hard to see the relationship to organic search visits and percentage, but it do growth a lot indeed.
But we can focus in "Keywords Landing Ratio", that is the number of rows of landing pages and landing keyword comparison, we can see the ratio decrease to 2/3 or 1/2 in these three years since "Google not provided", that is, it do loss information cause this situation. But we still have more than half rows of keywords to get information even we lost 80% rows.
There is very interesting thing, why the percentage varies a lot? Is this the evidence of devices or users behavior?
These is keyword distribution curves mapping the charts with same order. If we can take a closer look, we can find there is a very interesting things that if the curve grow slower, the percentage of "not provided" is more than others.
Can you guess what is the reason why will this happen?
Gene: The Man and His Dream
The distribution graph of website landing page
Every one know there is a famous "Long Tail Theory", that is, if your website is good enough, your site traffic won't be narrow in few pages. But is it true? or how will it looks like? I start a project to "show" the guess and prove it.
This project is based on "Google Analytics API" to read the raw data, and I use the "Landing Page" as X-axis, and visits as "Y-axis", the X-axis is the percentage of the rows of landing page, the Y-axis is the percent of accumulated visits percentage, so it start as (0,0) and reach the end (100,100).
I add the color and size of the line to show the difference, the latest line (latest month) is red line, the nearest line is darker, and the earliest one is lighter, so you can see the "involving" of these lines.
And I try to define a index called "Distribution Score", that is the area of line above, if the visits of every page are the same, it will be like a straight line (red line) following:
If your website are popular in few pages, it will show like this:
You can see the line will reach over nearly 80% visits at first 5% rows, this is far beyond 80/20 rules, that is the first 20% items, accumulation more than 80% amount.
By now, this will be a good way to evaluate the effort of SEO, because if we look through the "Landing Page Distribution Score" and "Keyword Distribution Score", the percent of reach from search engine will be higher. But we can talk about this next time, the following is gallery of these chart which have done.
By now, you can notice that the "distribution score" of some site is getting better, but some are getting worse, and other are keep status quo. Using these images, you can easily identify your work of SEO, if you want to try, you can login in http://seokpi.analysis.tw/ to check it out, both of your landing chart and keyword chart. Have Fun~~
This project is based on "Google Analytics API" to read the raw data, and I use the "Landing Page" as X-axis, and visits as "Y-axis", the X-axis is the percentage of the rows of landing page, the Y-axis is the percent of accumulated visits percentage, so it start as (0,0) and reach the end (100,100).
I add the color and size of the line to show the difference, the latest line (latest month) is red line, the nearest line is darker, and the earliest one is lighter, so you can see the "involving" of these lines.
And I try to define a index called "Distribution Score", that is the area of line above, if the visits of every page are the same, it will be like a straight line (red line) following:
If your website are popular in few pages, it will show like this:
You can see the line will reach over nearly 80% visits at first 5% rows, this is far beyond 80/20 rules, that is the first 20% items, accumulation more than 80% amount.
By now, this will be a good way to evaluate the effort of SEO, because if we look through the "Landing Page Distribution Score" and "Keyword Distribution Score", the percent of reach from search engine will be higher. But we can talk about this next time, the following is gallery of these chart which have done.
By now, you can notice that the "distribution score" of some site is getting better, but some are getting worse, and other are keep status quo. Using these images, you can easily identify your work of SEO, if you want to try, you can login in http://seokpi.analysis.tw/ to check it out, both of your landing chart and keyword chart. Have Fun~~
Are you jaming into Global Game Jam 2014 now?
There are 4 sites in Taiwan for Global Game Jam 2014, including Microsoft sponsored site.
This site are about 40 jammers divided into 7 teams, most of jammers are under 30, I might be the oldest one, sigh~~~
But it's fun to participate this event even I have no ability to create game, all I can do is watching the group finished the game, interpreted the languages, and take photos.
It's 40 mins left before upload, we (not including me) develop a flash game, cause most of crew member familiar to this framework, the game call "Rainbow Braver". The game play snap shot is above:
We create a facebook secret group to co-work, we post near one hundred articles in 48 hours by 5 jammers, all of them is series discuss like this photo, this is a prototyping test using stickers.
In fact, we discuss about more than 10 game plays, although this game play is little far away game concept topic, but it is most easy to developed.
The game description in game jam is http://globalgamejam.org/2014/games/%E5%BD%A9%E8%99%B9%E5%8B%87%E8%80%85-rainbow-braver , you can take a look.
The Game strategy and concept is above:
1. There are 6 different color light of projectors, when you press the button, the cube of this color wiill vanished.
2. When you press the button, you have a limited time to move all the cube.
3. All you have to do is make three cubes with the same color in a line when time up, the cubes will vanished and scoring.
4. The empty slot will filled next turn.
5. Each of 6 different color projectors can be using once, so you have 6 turns to scoring. It's time to make challenge how many scores you can get.
The highest score is how you can using the color to filter what you want and strategy.
The game concept is using your mind to make thing what you want, that is "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are". If we wearing colored glass, things like the same color will vanished in our sight, so that we have more chance to make things possible we want.
As time I post, the highest score is 4000, how about you?
This site are about 40 jammers divided into 7 teams, most of jammers are under 30, I might be the oldest one, sigh~~~
But it's fun to participate this event even I have no ability to create game, all I can do is watching the group finished the game, interpreted the languages, and take photos.
It's 40 mins left before upload, we (not including me) develop a flash game, cause most of crew member familiar to this framework, the game call "Rainbow Braver". The game play snap shot is above:
We create a facebook secret group to co-work, we post near one hundred articles in 48 hours by 5 jammers, all of them is series discuss like this photo, this is a prototyping test using stickers.
In fact, we discuss about more than 10 game plays, although this game play is little far away game concept topic, but it is most easy to developed.
The game description in game jam is http://globalgamejam.org/2014/games/%E5%BD%A9%E8%99%B9%E5%8B%87%E8%80%85-rainbow-braver , you can take a look.
The Game strategy and concept is above:
1. There are 6 different color light of projectors, when you press the button, the cube of this color wiill vanished.
2. When you press the button, you have a limited time to move all the cube.
3. All you have to do is make three cubes with the same color in a line when time up, the cubes will vanished and scoring.
4. The empty slot will filled next turn.
5. Each of 6 different color projectors can be using once, so you have 6 turns to scoring. It's time to make challenge how many scores you can get.
The highest score is how you can using the color to filter what you want and strategy.
The game concept is using your mind to make thing what you want, that is "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are". If we wearing colored glass, things like the same color will vanished in our sight, so that we have more chance to make things possible we want.
As time I post, the highest score is 4000, how about you?
Annual Analysis -- Working with Google Analytics API
It has been more than four years to blog here, that is to say, It has been nearly five years since last time I publish new system outside Taiwan. That's too bad, it can all blame on "Friend Connect" ruined me... sigh~~ But I know the I should blame on myself.
In these years, I use API more than ever, including Facebook API and Google API, but most of the systems are only available in Taiwan, in fact, these suit for other users, but I didn't make them multi-language, so I didn't publish here.
"Annual Analysis" is another kind of approach, cause this is a small but useful system, and it "must" be done in January. I don't think some other will use it after February. This is a system helping you review your blog history in 2013.
This system started developing on 7, Jan. It takes nearly 9 days to work out. In these 9 days, we held up two small "hackahop" for three developer in co-working space (in board game cafe actually), cause most of us have daylight regular job himself.
OK, that is preface, not important, let's begin with this system.
Annual Analysis is a tool of Google Analysis, cause we know it is hard to get "real information we want" with basic function of Google Analytics, so I have develop a system call "網智" ( http://web.mas.ter.tw/ ) to helping people using Google Analytics.
If you want to analysis a blog system what are most popular new articles in last year, at first, you must know what are "new articles", that beyond most of the people using Google Analytics, we must group up the articles before last year, the rest are last year, it sounds easy but not easy, that is what "Annual Analysis" can do for you easily.
"Annual Analysis" recording most popular articles each year, so it can easy identify which are new articles for latest year, and "searching keyword" can be done by these.
But most of people want to know how popular my blog articles it is in SNS, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Plurk and other, so when the system identify most reference from SNS, using API can fetching data and connecting with articles, but it only work with Facebook now, if you want to know more, let us know freely.
All you need to do is "Entering" this website, login and authorize, wait for less than 30 seconds, you can see the the analysis report, but if you have more than one property of Google Analytics, it will take half minute each property, so please wait in patient, or you can read the report that already generated.
I often forgot to tell the url in my articles, you can check it out in http://annual.analysis.tw/ , have fun, and I appreciate that telling me your needs and problems. Thank you.
Above is screen shot of this blog, but you can check the demo of my chinese blog here.
In these years, I use API more than ever, including Facebook API and Google API, but most of the systems are only available in Taiwan, in fact, these suit for other users, but I didn't make them multi-language, so I didn't publish here.
"Annual Analysis" is another kind of approach, cause this is a small but useful system, and it "must" be done in January. I don't think some other will use it after February. This is a system helping you review your blog history in 2013.
This system started developing on 7, Jan. It takes nearly 9 days to work out. In these 9 days, we held up two small "hackahop" for three developer in co-working space (in board game cafe actually), cause most of us have daylight regular job himself.
OK, that is preface, not important, let's begin with this system.
Annual Analysis is a tool of Google Analysis, cause we know it is hard to get "real information we want" with basic function of Google Analytics, so I have develop a system call "網智" ( http://web.mas.ter.tw/ ) to helping people using Google Analytics.
If you want to analysis a blog system what are most popular new articles in last year, at first, you must know what are "new articles", that beyond most of the people using Google Analytics, we must group up the articles before last year, the rest are last year, it sounds easy but not easy, that is what "Annual Analysis" can do for you easily.
"Annual Analysis" recording most popular articles each year, so it can easy identify which are new articles for latest year, and "searching keyword" can be done by these.
But most of people want to know how popular my blog articles it is in SNS, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Plurk and other, so when the system identify most reference from SNS, using API can fetching data and connecting with articles, but it only work with Facebook now, if you want to know more, let us know freely.
All you need to do is "Entering" this website, login and authorize, wait for less than 30 seconds, you can see the the analysis report, but if you have more than one property of Google Analytics, it will take half minute each property, so please wait in patient, or you can read the report that already generated.
I often forgot to tell the url in my articles, you can check it out in http://annual.analysis.tw/ , have fun, and I appreciate that telling me your needs and problems. Thank you.
Above is screen shot of this blog, but you can check the demo of my chinese blog here.
Plurk Usage Geek / Plurk Users Group Start
This is a system make plurk searchable / googleable.
It is well known that plurk is not friendly or feasible to search engine, but most of times we need to search the discussion in our own plurks, so I decide to make this site to make plurk search easier.
There are 2 most important features in this system:
1. Make username to separate domain name.
2. Create index to make read / search fast.
I made a demo using my plurk to demonstrate. At first, this is created by user request, you can edit your profile to make link "plurk.tw/inter/(yourusername)" like mine, you can see my profile to figure out, and wait for one day, you can see your PUG make your plurk searchable.
After that, you can using "site:(username).pug.tw" in query string to search everything you want.
Is there any comment, please reply this following plurk.
It is well known that plurk is not friendly or feasible to search engine, but most of times we need to search the discussion in our own plurks, so I decide to make this site to make plurk search easier.
There are 2 most important features in this system:
1. Make username to separate domain name.
2. Create index to make read / search fast.
I made a demo using my plurk to demonstrate. At first, this is created by user request, you can edit your profile to make link "plurk.tw/inter/(yourusername)" like mine, you can see my profile to figure out, and wait for one day, you can see your PUG make your plurk searchable.
After that, you can using "site:(username).pug.tw" in query string to search everything you want.
Is there any comment, please reply this following plurk.
Yours MyMiniCity Stop Rotate Per/Hour
Because the more cities monitored, the system got more loading, and there are other services in this machine, so I have to stop the hourly statics.
But the daily update service is remain normal, I make apologize for this inconvient. Is there any suggestion or comment, please write response freely.
But the daily update service is remain normal, I make apologize for this inconvient. Is there any suggestion or comment, please write response freely.
Community Gadget (New Friend Connect Custom Gadget)

I always say that the most powerful thing of "Google Friend Connect" is which the website can identify who you are easily and make interactive. So if the gadget can not be identify each one or build community, I think this is what a waste.
From the post of my Chinese blog, I said that I will write a gadget that can help "building a community", including these features:
1. It can tell who is the most continuous days logining into this blog/website.
2. It can tell who is the user login into this blog/website in special numbers.
3. User can know the status of today, yesterday and history which he visit.
4. A directory or ladder which using friend connect.
Now, the gadget is allmost done, the source is:
http://login.tw/gfc/myprofile.xmlThe gadget has two parts, one is for every reader logining into this community, another part is for owner/administrator. The reader part can see what he visit about this community or all communities. The administrator part can show which users have most visits and most loyalty (continuous logining in).
The main function is working normal now, but the directory/ladder page is still under construction, but you can take a look in http://login.tw/ladder.php
Any way, you can join this friend connect to see how it work, and there is an illustration in right upper article, or you can add this gadget in your blog/website and have fun.
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